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The Primordial Drum: A Journey into Sound and Self

Join Ruth and Brillo of Starshine Roots for a shamanic drum journey.

Immerse yourself in the primal rhythms of the primordial drum, complemented by the enchanting sounds of traditional instruments like flutes, monochords, singing bowls and chimes.

Experience a deep connection to the collective self, as the resonant beats awaken your senses and ignite fresh perspectives.

Following in the footsteps of our ancestors, we will experience the ancient tradition of drum journeying. This isn't just about what you'll hear, but how you'll feel, as you connect with the raw, primal rhythms that underscore all of life.

The rhythms of the drums, combined with ancient practices like Mongolian throat singing and shamanic chants, will guide you on a journey deep into yourself.

Whether you're a seasoned journeyer or new to the world of shamanic drumming, we invite you to join us 

Recent feedback:

“Ruth and Brillo are two incredibly talented and joyful people whose sounds and poetry reached my soul and created such physical, mental and emotional responses within me. Every cell in my body danced to their rhythms and ancient traumas were released. Such a joyful and magical experience, I can’t wait to return for more. Thank you Beautiful Souls.” 

- Ruth Hartley

Price: £22, £25, £28

Book your spot

20 March

Dark Alchemy presents: Sieben / Slow Knife / DSCM

27 March